In the last post I mentioned meeting Lindsay Ambrose at the Miracle Morning Mastery and Co-Creation Experience in Chicago. I also had the privilege of meeting the amazing Brianna Greenspan. She is a long-time friend and coaching client of Hal's and was an early adopter of the Miracle Morning back in 2009 even before it was a book. It was though her advocacy for the practice that encouraged Hal to create the movement it is today and for that I think we are all grateful ;)
Brianna just exudes passion! The moment we met she told me about a project she was working on. She was designing an adult coloring book with the S.A.V.E.R.S. I shared with her what we were doing in the MM for Parents and Families book and we instantly knew we had to collaborate. Her project was already in the works, but after we met and realized how compatible our books were she went into hyper drive so The Miracle Morning: Art of Affirmations- a Positive Coloring Book for Adults and Kids could come out in conjunction with The Miracle Morning for Parents and Families! To download a free sample of coloring pages CLICK HERE.
I am grateful for Brianna and all the hard work she put into this project. Like our book, her project was a huge melting pot of wonderful people. The multi-talented and amazingly positive Brotha James contributed to her project, as well as the gifted mindfulness coach Julianna Raye of Unified Mindfulness. Others who grace the pages are the founder of The Front Row Foundation and Host of the Front Row Factor Podcast, Jon Vroman and another new friend of mine Nicole Keating with The Epic Art of Wellness.
I'm grateful for Brianna and her passion. I'm grateful for Paul Joy and his amazing desings he shared in this book. My kids and I took a little time today to enjoy some time together coloring and for that I am also grateful. What are you grateful for? Please comment below or join the conversation in our Facebook Community.
In Gratitude,
Lindsay :)
Emmy having fun coloring
Mom got in on the fun too